The reluctant blogger

There are many ways in which we humans try to explain laziness. My favourite explanation is reluctance. We learnt idioms in our sixth or seventh standard.  I remember my English teacher listing this one:

As difficult as a beginning.

Needless to say that this is one of my most favourite idioms. In fact the only one I remember from the looong list we learnt. Have you ever felt the inexplicable tug from somewhere deep inside your brain before you start off on something that you have been trying to avoid doing for quite sometime? The best example is pre-exam preparations (now this is strictly my personal choice, it can be something totally different for you). You know you have to sit the exam. You are aware that you know max 10% of the syllabus (meaning know the names of the chapters only). You also know that your parents won't "like" it if you flunk. Buuuut, STILL, something holds you back from starting on your studies. So, if you have been through this peculiar spell of inertia (Newton's First law), you will understand what I feel while writing my first blog.

Not that I dislike writing. Like every average bookworm, I like scribbling down my thoughts. It allows me to vent every form of emotion - joy, laughter, tears, grief.  However, I am uncomfortable sharing these scribbles with anyone else. If you ask me why, I will reply "I am an introvert" and all that. But the fact is that I have a typing dyslexia. Yes, I cannot type in a single sentence without turning my "ands" to "nad". So blogging means I have to be overtly cautious about typing, recheck anything I write thrice over and finally hope no one catches a "nad".

Then why the hell am I writing a blog now? To answer that let's take a quick look at Newton's First Law of Motion:

Every body continues in its state of continuous rest or motion until it is compelled by some external unbalanced force to change its current state.

The force in my case is the fact that I rarely get time to pen down my thoughts on a paper anymore, glued as I am to my laptop. Ok it's the office laptop, so stop labelling this as the lamest excuse for laziness. The thoughts come involuntarily and mostly after any experience that makes me think (rare but it happens). But as I reach out for my pen and scribble notebook, I can find neither. Coming to think of it, do we really use these two items much anymore? We rarely do. We are an er "digitised" lot, living out of our digital devices. From our everyday work, to do lists and memos to communicating with our friends and family---the digital world (read mobiles, wearables and social platforms) serves all our purposes. In fact, my eight year old daughter has already asked me: "You don't ever write on paper using a pen or pencil. Then why do I have to write on pages at school? And why do I need to have a good handwriting? We type in everything in any case." Let's not get into the details of what I answered her and how I have (till now) managed to keep her convinced about using pencils to write on paper. The point is that I have lost on quite a few thoughts and experiences by not being able to find first time and then the paper and pen to jot them down.

Today, I had an experience strong enough to make me feel like scribbling it down somewhere, anywhere, but right now. Hence, I reopened this blog that I created many years ago but never used (see I had the intentions...just that the inertia of laziness...).

Only time can tell if I would continue coming back here to jot down my thoughts. If you happen to read them by chance and get bored stiff, please feel free to call me all the names that you want to. 


  1. So very true. I've myself been experiencing this inertia when it comes even to sign on a cheque in the era of digitised banking.

    Sometime ago I was asked to draft a speech for someone and the only devices we had was a pen and paper. Only God knows how many cuss words I'd have uttered.

    Excellent piece Anu...glad that you finally found time for this. You're gifted.

  2. Ha ha well said. We hardly use pen and paper anymore. Sometimes i wonder what would happen if for just a day, the digital world crashes and we are required to communicate without them!!!!

  3. 😊 but what was it that brought you here in the the first place is what I wonder? Or is this post (which is well written), a cliffhanger?

  4. Almost a cliffhanger....actually it was my experience of visiting the Telegraph office yesterday that moved me out of this inertia. I had to write it down without waiting for time, pen and paper ;-)

  5. Well said, Anu...welcome to the blogging world..the more you write, the more you will get addicted to it :)

  6. You write for yourself. You read for yourself. Isn't it? Write when you feel like it. Write abol tabol but don't stop. It will make you feel better :) And oh, the typos I completely understand. My 'the' is always 'teh' - thank god, there is something called auto correct.

  7. This is easier than finding pen and paper. Now I just have to manage the time... ;-)

  8. nice starting - and I can vouch that there are many more (including myself) like you - who all have their blogs - and something scribbled in draft for many years :) Not only because of inertia though.. there are several other factors typically not 'to be disclosed' :)

    1. I know, there are somethings that you need to express and hence the words pouring out to form scribbles and blogs. However, you are not ready to share them with anyone else.

  9. It was pleasantly surprising to see that the reluctant blogger used classical physics to drive the point home. But times have changed and now it's quantum physics in a digital world. If you observe carefully you will find that even your thoughts are quantized. You could keep your blogging page open while you are glued to your laptop and try to jot down the interesting thoughts that reverberate inside you. In this way you will build up a continuum of ideas (blogs in layman's terms). The probability increases with persistence. And that's how it is.

    1. Ha ha ha. Well said Sutanu Da. Remarkable how you can translate any everyday thing to Physics!!

  10. Now that you have jolted yourself out of this reluctance-induced coma, please do not go back to your old ways again! I am looking forward to reading many more such pieces and will keep coming back to your space. Do not let me down :)
    P.S. I did not know about your typing dyslexia!

  11. Yes I will keep coming back. But I would also like to read more blogs like yours Scribbler, which first got me interested in blogging.


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